Thursday, January 31, 2008

Well, that was easy!

I'd sure worked myself into a dither worrying about my first fill, or "adjustment". It didn't help when the doctor himself said I may experience some discomfort the first few times. But I'll tell you what, it was a cinch! I hardly felt anything; certainly much, much less than having blood drawn. Heck, it was less than poking yourself with a needle. I know that there are people who have a problem with fills, who experience discomfort or even pain. So much of it comes down the skill of your surgeon. Dr. K is the first bariatric surgeon in our area and I'm grateful every day for the perfect timing of my surgical process. He's not one to spend a lot of time with you (he's too busy for that), but I'm the type of person to find his no-nonsense manner reassuring.

Today's weight: 216.2

ETA: This morning I tried on some of my old size 22's...and they fit! Comfortably! I mean, I can breathe in 'em! I haven't been able to wear this size in almost two years. Now, I realize that to some of y'all, a 22 is still pretty humongous. Heck. What am I saying? To me it's still pretty humongous. But doggone it all, a victory is a victory and I'm grateful for every single bit of progress.

1 comment:

Debfw said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO *pompoms waving in the air* I am so proud of you sissy, keep up the good work! xoxoxo