Monday, June 22, 2009

Can I get an ai-man?

Ai-man and hallylooyah for the confirmation that yes, I AM the world's worst blogger. Would somebody please tell me where the days have slipped off to?

Since the last time I posted an update I've dealt with another round of ulcers (the bad), welcomed a new granddaughter to the family (the good), and got out of the exercise habit (the ugly). Yes, I know we lap-banders are supposed to exercise regularly, but knowin' ain't doin', and that's a problem area for me. Well, actually, it leads to multiple problems: the hips, the thighs, the belly, the boobays. From tip to toe actually. Bow to stern. North to south. From here to yonder, y'all.

Face it, when you hit the age of 50 you realize that no, the south never will rise again. That's when you get down on your knees and supine yourself in humility and awe, paying homage to the creators of Spanx and the Wonderbra.

I've reached the point where I look pretty good with clothes on, but fabric doesn't work up a good lather in the shower. So, yeah, it's time to get back on the exercise wagon, kicking, screaming, gnashing teeth, and whining all the way. And that's just getting downstairs to the exercise room.

The good news is that I'm now under 170; today's weight was 169.2, which means I'm only ("only" bwahahahahahahaaaaa!!!) 39.2 lbs. away from my goal weight.

The bad news is that if I dont' get these upper arms toned I won't have to worry about taking the car for my errands; I can just flap my arms and fly.