Friday, January 18, 2008

The hokey-pokey really isn't what it's all about

After anxiety-ridden, nail-biting, stomach churning days of girding myself up for my first fill it didn't happen. Nope, no fills at four weeks postop, but...oh yeah, it gets good here...I can eat regular food again! Oh joy of joys! Happiness of happinesses! Bliss of blisses! (No, wait - that sounds too much like "blintzes"). There are, of course, guidelines to choose those foods by and rules to be followed. Plenty of protein. None (or very limited anyhow) calorie-containing beverages and liquids. That's okay. I knew this was coming and had already set about changing my mindset towards food. That's not to say this is going to be easy. Reintroducing regular foods into my diet creates its own challenges, but I'm prepared.

Now, if I can just get over the jitters thinking about the fill I probably will get in two weeks.

1 comment:

Jill said...

How is the weight loss goin? I hope that you are feeling much better. It sounds like you are doing well. Hang in there! I can't wait to see some pics!