Sunday, December 23, 2007

What a difference a day makes!

On this 4th postop day I woke up realizing that I'd slept through the night and that I could lay on my side again. Whoo hoo! Who'd a'thunk it, that one day could make such a big difference? I'm not obsessing about what I can or can't eat; I'm content with my two ounces of calorie-containing foods every hour. Actually, I haven't even eaten that often; every two hours has been sufficient for me. What it all boils down to is that for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I'm in control. Choosing LAP-BAND was definitely the right choice for me.

The biggest change has been with my diet coke. Now, I'm an addict as far as diet coke is concerned and could usually down a 2-liter bottle of the stuff daily. I wouldn't recommend my strategy for everyone, but I opted not to wean myself from caffeine and carbonation gradually (carbonation can cause the pouch to stretch, so it's a huge no-no). Instead, I drank diet coke and my daily two cups of leaded coffee right up to two days pre-op, the day before I had to go on a clear liquids only diet. My logic has worked out for me - during the time when I'd miss those substances the most, I've been getting the anesthesia worked through my system and/or using Lortab or Tylenol to manage the discomfort. That helped me avoid the headache and grumpiness associated with caffeine withdrawal. That's my opinion anyhow; HH may have a different point of view. We wont' ask him, though.

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