Monday, February 18, 2008

Well, spit...

Because I was still experiencing discomfort and vomiting, my surgeon's office set me up for an upper GI, which was performed this morning and showed a gastric ulcer. The result is that when I saw him this afternoon in his office he removed all the fluid from my band and has scheduled me for an EGD Friday morning. That test will give him a clearer image of the ulcer and he'll also be able to take biopsies and hopefully determine the cause. I've been on an NSAID for my knees for several years, and that's probably the culprit, although I had ulcers on two separate occasions in the past, long before I'd started NSAIDS and without any risk factors for developing ulcers.

So now I'm feeling more than a little discouraged. It will probably be 12 weeks before I'm cleared and will be able to continue use of my LAP-BAND. That's a long time for someone who has to fight for every pound she loses.

Oh well, we'll see what happens.


Chris said...


I know this is a real disappointment for you. Hopefully, it will just be a short detour on your successful weightloss journey!

I pullin' and prayin' for you daily!


Kim said...

Becky.. A friend recommended your blog to me and I am enjoying your sense of humor! You are a riot. I have a million questions as I am scheduled for my band in 2 weeks.

First of all...I'm Kentucky born and bred so I feel a deep and abiding kinship with you already. ;-) I'm living in Texas now and my mother is still grieving the distance between her and her beloved grandsons.

Secondly...I'm having surgery in Mexico. There are so many reasons why this is probably not the wisest choice, but my insurance won't cover this and it is the only affordable choice. Have you heard anything about Dr. Ortiz in Mexico? I've done a lot of research, and his record seems impeccable. My major concern now is after care....which seems to be invaluable to you at this time.

I sure would love to sit down and have a chat with you. Would you mind sharing your personal email for the support and sanity of a fellow blue grass lover? My email is

Happy trails to you my friend. I hope your journey is filled with solid foods and baggy jeans.

Anonymous said...

I met u in the clinic once, right after I had my band. I have been in limbo for awhile because the doc left. I have a total of 7.5 in my band. I still do not know if I have enough. If I do not chew something well, I can feel it go through, but my weight has been at a stand still, and I think I still eat too much to be full. Can u describe to me how I should feel? How much is in your band? I live in Butler Co. and do not get to come to meetings, I would love to hear from u.
Linda Jenkins